Филиппинский опыт: нелегально вырубленная древесина превращена в 146.000 школьных парт

Turning Illegally-logged Timber into 146,000 School Desks


Есть много стран, которые борются с незаконными рубками. Филиппины нашли уникальный и экономичный способ решения проблемы, в котором задействованы пилорамы Wood-Mizer.



В XX веке из-за бесконтрольной вырубки деревьев Филиппины потеряли большую часть своих прекрасных лесов. Недавно правительство внедрило новую политику, которая остановила тенденцию к исчезновению лесного покрова, но оставшиеся леса по-прежнему находятся под угрозой из-за незаконных рубок.



Когда деревья вырубаются нелегально, а древесина контрабандой вывозится в другие страны, это означает, что филиппинский народ теряет собственное природное богатство.


За последние несколько лет Филиппины приложили немало усилий для пресечения незаконных рубок. Наблюдение с воздуха и с водных путей помогает определить, где происходит подозрительная деятельность, а контрольно-пропускные пункты на дорогах нацелены на поимку перевозчиков-контрабандистов. В результате незаконно заготовленная древесина конфискуется, а виновных привлекают к ответственности.



Благодаря этим мерам с 2010 по 2014 год было изъято около 66.000 кубометров высококачественной древесины.



Конфискованная древесина хранилась по всей территории Филиппин, как правило, недалеко от того места, где она была перехвачена. Бревна лежали на открытом воздухе, под дождем, на солнцепеке, что, в конце концов, привело бы к гниению и рассыханию древесного материала. Это ненормально, когда такой ценный ресурс пропадает именно во время процедур, затеянных правительством для пользы обществу.


The mission of DENR, TESDA, DepEd and PAGCOR was simple. They wanted to take the logs that had been confiscated, salvage them, mill them, and create school tables and chairs for local schools. They began by cutting the wood and sending it away to be refurbished, but eventually they were able to begin manufacturing the furniture themselves. It was a complete turnaround for the Filipino community. The Forest Products and Development Institute-Department of Science and Technology (FPRDI-DOST) was also tapped by DENR to convert confiscated logs into lumber and transported them to TESDA, Agusan del Sur. 


The report entitled: ‘Sawmilling of Ten Million Board Feet of Logs and Flitches in CARAGA for Use of DepEd in the Manufacture of School Desks and Chairs’


A collaborative project between DENR and FPRDI-DOST entitled: ‘Sawmilling of Ten Million Board Feet of Logs and Flitches in CARAGA for Use of DepEd in the Manufacture of School Desks and Chairs’

A collaborative project between DENR and FPRDI-DOST entitled: ‘Sawmilling of Ten Million Board Feet of Logs and Flitches in CARAGA for Use of DepEd in the Manufacture of School Desks and Chairs’ was implented. Ten million board feet is more than 23,000 cubic meters of wood! And this is just from the Caraga region of the Philippines – a fraction of the whole country.


Wood-Mizer uses thin-kerf blade technology to reduce waste to the absolute minimum during the processing of logs into a finished product.


Должностные лица столкнулись с проблемой: что делать с разбросанными по всему острову массивными запасами высококачественной древесины, чтобы избежать ее порчи? И они придумали, как использовать эти бревна с пользой для дела.


Workers convert illegally-logged timber into components for school desks and chairs.

The woodworking shop bursting at the seams with high quality school desks and chairs, made from wood once destined for illegal profits.

But just how big of an impact did the project have on the environment? Consider this: the average 3,000 square-foot timber frame house takes around 15,000 board feet of timber to build. The project has already scaled that amount and cut nearly 4 million board feet of timber. With so much excess illegal wood, DENR and FPRDI-DOST have found a way to create a beneficial, economical, and rewarding purpose for the confiscated logs.


A finished school desk built to last for many generations of students.


В то время государственные школы на Филиппинах нуждались в 2,5 миллионах стульев. В 2010 году на Филиппинах был начат проект, согласно которому изъятые правительством бревна стали материалом для производства школьных парт и стульев.


The use of 10 Wood-Mizer mobile sawmills allowed for salvage projects to take place anywhere in the Philippines.


С 2011 года было произведено более 146.000 комплектов школьной мебели, а 369 школьных зданий были отремонтированы с использованием конфискованных лесоматериалов.



Dr. Eusebio also recognized the efficiency of sawmills because they take up so little energy. In Kenya, the energy efficiency and minimal wastage of the Wood-Mizer machines impressed forestry officials so much that they banned new sawmillers from using any other kind of sawmill in their businesses. As reported in The Star, Kenya in April, 2016, the Kenyan Forestry Service issued new rules in order to more effectively combat illegal logging operations, by requiring licensed sawmillers to use thin-kerf sawmills only.


Wood-Mizer uses thin-kerf blade technology to reduce waste to the absolute minimum during the processing of logs into a finished product.

“In the new rules by KFS, saw millers licensed to cut trees in gazetted forests must use the Wood-Mizer machine as opposed to ordinary saws. KFS says the new machine produces more timber from a log than ordinary ones.” (http://www.the-star.co.ke/news/2016/04/22/sawmillers-unhappy-with-logging-rules_c1336655) 



The logs that are able to be salvaged from illegal logging confiscation are used to grow the woodworking factory and train people. The DENR now has ten Wood-Mizer sawmills and they have been deployed all over the vast country. They transport these sawmills to places where illegally-felled logs have been stored after confiscation.


Better sawmill technology = a better outlook for forestry sustainability.

Eusebio concludes. “I hope that the forest will once again become green, just like 50 years ago. If you look at the statistics, it’s very sad to learn that we have very few forested areas left. But now the number is going back up because of the National Greening Program.”

After six years of nonstop processing of illegally felled trees and production of something better for the economy and the environment, the National Greening Program and DENR were able to work and not only build thousands of chairs and tables, but also find a way to grow and manage the forests around them. 



После того, как приняли этот проект, было решено приобрести пять перевозных ленточнопильных станков Wood-Mizer. Сейчас их задействовано уже десять, и они работают по всей стране. Станки привозят в места, где складированы незаконно вырубленные стволы деревьев, и там, прямо у дороги или в лесу, станки Wood-Mizer распиливают бревна на доски.


10 Wood-Mizer sawmills allowed the project to be successful in salvaging the millions of board feet of wood into high quality timber for the school desks.

Workers convert illegally-logged timber into components for school desks and chairs.

Important to remember though is that many illegal loggers are not large corporations – they’re simple farmers or villagers who do not have many opportunities to generate income.

“A lot of illegal loggers are simple people who are mainly trying to feed their own children. Especially for our upland dwellers, wood is their source of income that allows their children to go to school.” shares Teodulfo Delgado, Engineer with the College of Forests & Natural Resources in Los Banos, Philippines. Hand-in-hand with enforcement of anti-illegal logging regulation needs to come provisions for better economic development. 

Additional Sources & references:
• http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/180877/seized-logs-to-find-use-as-chairs-tables-for-schools 
• http://www.philstar.com/good-news/774042/chairs-public-schools-illegal-logs
• http://www.philstar.com/cebu-news/2015/05/15/1454993/denr-7-illegal-tree-cutting-still-rampant 
• http://www.denr.gov.ph/news-and-features/latest-news/2056-denr-optimistic-to-achieve-zero-illegal-logging-hotspot-target-by-2016.html 
• http://news.abs-cbn.com/nation/09/10/14/denr-taps-nbi-fight-vs-illegal-logging 

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